1. Baking French/American Pie (yes, I came up with that name :). It's basically a combination of apple crisp and apple pie, with a normal pie crust, chunks of apples, and your basic crumble top. It's so ridiculously delicious, especially if you make it with super-tart apples.

2. Hanging out with Mark Twain.
I wish. This was at the St. Louis Arch, while waiting to ride a 'pod' to the top. He's looking a little pale.

3. Listening to Gone with the Wind on tape. I'm really loving it. The characters, the plot, the Civil War setting--I don't why I haven't thought to read it/listen to it before, since I'm such a classics junkie. It sure is a big time commitment, though; I've been listening to it for two weeks and I'm only on tape 12 of 36!

4. Creating a colonial girl's costume. My little sister has Felicity, the American Girl doll, and would love a dress just like hers. Luckily, I found a retired pattern for it on Etsy, and the rose print cotton and cream eyelet I bought is so pretty that I can't stop taking it out and looking at it.

5.Scheming up the perfect black winter skirt. I'm thinking high-waisted, full, above-knee-length, with a faux button closure all the way down the front. A bit like
this Anthropologie skirt. I recently visited Anthro while on vacation, and I now understand
Emily Martin's obsession with it!
If I could, I would live there.
I'm probably getting a laptop this week, so my blog will be up and running again!