Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
fake album game

I used Picnik.com to create my covers.
You can then upload your photos to the Fake Album Game Flickr Group (check out the group pool for more fake covers).
Saturday, March 21, 2009
In other news, I visited a rather out-of-the-way antique mall this week that'd I'd never been to before. It was in a warehouse and it smelled kind of strange, but it was definitely worth it.
The prices were insanely low and I found some amazing items. Besides, I just love being around vintage things. I gives me a new perspective on history that I doubt I could ever receive from a textbook.
Here's what I found:

The caption under the cover photo states that 'the pretty Mrs. Bertram Benedict' was a freelance fashion illustrator who moonlighted as a volunteer air-raid spotter.

...and this really unique purse; I love the clasp and buckle.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
MuxOriginals GiveAway #2

Pink and Green 18" Doll Outfit
Your doll will look fabulous in this handmade ensemble. Great as a complete look, but the individual garments are easy to mix-and-match with the rest of your doll wardrobe.
-Cotton jacket with green print sleeves and mandarin collar
-White cotton tank top
The tank and pants close in the back with Velcro. The jacket closes in the front with buttons and snaps. All seams are finished with a zig-zag stitch to prevent fraying. All embellishments and closures are securely sewn in place. Machine-washable.
This GiveAway closes at noon on Mar. 20.Winner will be randomly selected that night and announced the morning of Mar. 21.
Outfit will be shipped first-class on Mar. 23.
Check out my other doll clothes at muxoriginals.etsy.com.
Thanks for participating and good luck!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I'm back!
Anyway, I cancelled my Teen Vogue subscribtion awhile ago, but I returned home to find the latest issue in the stack of mail. I quit my subscribtion because I don't like the magazine, but I think TV may have redeemed itself with this editorial. It still seems a bit overstyled to me (my main complaint with TV), but the overall mood is lovely.
And they managed to find a boy model that doesn't look like a girl!

Sunday, March 8, 2009
red flip flops

I've been living in dresses and flip flops this vacation. I wish I'd photographed more of my dressier outfits incorporating these shoes. I love the way carmel shoes look with red, black, and denim basics.
Monday, March 2, 2009
vacation adventures pt. 1
Yesterday's outfit. It's actually been a little chillier than I expected (mid 60s), hence the sweater.

And here's some pictures of the items I sewed for the trip:

I made it using this genius tutorial. It's all pretty much notion/fabric odds-and-ends I had sitting around (the pink fabric is actually a leg from a pair of pants I turned into shorts).

Sleep shirt. I couldn't find one that I liked at any stores, so I made one ( loosely adapted from patterns from this book). Again, pretty much all the fabric is second-hand here. The bodice was cut from a men's tee, and the skirt part is actually cut from an old maxi dress, so this came together in about half an hour (measuring the ribbing was the most time-consuming step).
If you get the idea I was whipping these things together the afternoon before we left, you're right :)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
So I moved inside.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
a little night sewing

In other news, I tried out a new dessert for an Australian-themed dinner the other night: lamingtons. I'd never heard of these before I started researching Australian food; basically, they're squares or cubes of butter cake coated with chocolate icing and topped with coconut.
Mine weren't particularly authentic, but they did taste great! I used chocolate ganache instead of icing, and toasted up plenty of coconut to sprinkle over each.
Also, here's the ganache recipe I used:
- Ganache (it's at the end of the brownie recipe)