Chuck Taylors, Swatch watch

This is what I wore to some out-of-home classes today. I had gym, so I couldn't wear a skirt or dress or non-sneaker shoes, so my options were fairly limited. Still, I liked this outfit, due predominantly to my pink & black Chucks. I've owned them for 3 years now, and I love how they add an artsy, street vibe to whatever I'm wearing.

I purposely picked bright scraps and organized them by color to create a rainbow design. I'm very pleased with the result, and I think rag rugs are a practical, eco-friendly way to recycle fabric scraps. I used this tutorial (more or less). I didn't bother to cut perfect strips, and instead of sewing them together, I tied them. I've had some problems with buckling, but I found I can flatten in out fairly well with a hot steam iron. I'm considering writing my own tutorial, so if you'd be interested, please tell me.
well it's quite nice! great job!
Love your rag rug!
Nice shoes! :) Your new blog looks great. Have fun!
Nice blog! Hope your rug turns out just the way you want it to. : )
Oh! the rug is turning out great- I would love to make one of those!
I love that rug! I would love to learn how to do that.
Very nice rug! I like the outfit in the post below too!
that rag rug rocks!!
omg, that rug is AMAZING!
i like your rag rug, i didsomething like that once! but it was tiny.
I've been wanting to make a rag rug for quite some time now! Yours is turning out excellent! :D
Makes me want to make one even more!
Cute blog and love the colorful rag rug!!
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